Beginner (4 images)
Intermediate (6 images)
Advanced (9 images)

Draw Your Impression

Target Images

Beginner Mode

Performance Statistics

This shows your performance over time and compares it to random chance.


out of 0 trials

Success Rate

vs. 25% random chance

Statistical Significance

p-value (lower is better)

Current Streak


How To Play

Remote viewing is the practice of seeking impressions about a distant or unseen target using extrasensory perception (ESP).

  1. When you start, the computer has already selected a target image from the set.
  2. Try to sense the target image using your intuition and ESP abilities.
  3. Draw your impressions on the sketchpad. You have 60 seconds.
  4. Add notes about your feelings, colors, or shapes that come to mind.
  5. When ready, click "Reveal Images" to see all potential targets.
  6. Select the image you believe was the target.
  7. The app will tell you if you were correct and track your performance.

Tips for success: